Sorry — The Sun is Shining so I’ve Gone to Sleep on a Hill

You can escape — if only for one night — and find nature, wilderness, a bit of peace and then go back to your normal life with a slightly shifted perspective.

This is travel writer Alastair Humphries on his idea of the “microadventure”.

The idea is that life-enhancing travel need not require huge tracts of time or planning; that you can in fact sleep beneath the stars on weekends and be ready for work again on Monday.

Naturally, at New Escapologist we prefer a more full-time adventure, but taking the opportunity to enrich your life in this small and manageable way is fairly irresistible no matter what your daily experience looks like.

Besides, you can always enjoy a microadventure without being a slave to the weekend. Look at Alastair’s out-of-office message:

Sorry — the sun is shining so I’ve gone to sleep on a hill.

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Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at

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