Ich Bin Raus

Can you believe it? There’s going to be a German edition of Escape Everything! called Ich Bin Raus, which means “I’m Out”.

I’m very happy that the life of the book is now longer than I originally imagined.

Here’s a page about the new edition, though it’s probably only useful if you happen to speak German.

It’s entertaining (for me) to see these all-too-familiar pages in translation. Since I only speak English and a little French, these pages should be unreadable but I can still mysteriously read them thanks to intense familiarity with the original.

Look, here’s “Foreword by David Cain” in German! “Vorwort von David Cain”. Cool.


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Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at wringham.co.uk

7 Responses to “Ich Bin Raus”

  1. Fabian says:

    Nice! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! I hope the translator will be a good one…

  2. Ah, yes! You speak the lingo! I’ll get a free copy to you if I can, so you can be the judge.

  3. Andrea says:

    Great! I am a German native (living in the US) and I can’t wait to read the book. But I guess I stick with the English original. Congratulations!

  4. Moonwaves says:

    Excellent. Now when I’ve finished my English version, I can go ahead and recommend it to all my German friends without them giving out because it’s only in English. I have several that I’d like to introduce to the idea of escapology. Maybe even a new neighbour I met recently who almost seemed to take it as a personal offence that my new job is only a half-days one.

  5. Zainab Usman says:

    Congratulations. It is a testament to the appeal of the message that it is now in German.

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