Can Quitting Your Job Help Stop War?
I love it when treadmill types are bowled over by the idea that a modest income doesn’t necessarily mean a life of wretched poverty.
Think, people. Curb your insatiability. Take responsibility for how you spend and earn money. Develop a moral code. Above all, live well.
Here’s New Escapologist contributor David Gross profiled in the Atlantic:
When he first started his experiment, Gross assumed he’d have to live in poverty to avoid paying federal taxes. He thought about living in a fire spotting tower to pay the rent, and resigned himself to a life of rice and ramen, and “a path of deprivation, sacrifice, and renunciation in the service of my values”.
But then he started doing some research. He knew he wanted to set aside some money for retirement, and that he could probably find enough contract work to earn as little or as much as he wanted, up to the salary he had been receiving.
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About Robert Wringham
Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at