A New-Look New Escapologist? Have Your Say!
We might well take the magazine a new direction in 2016.
I’m not completely sure how it will look yet but we’re discussing three possible options:
1. We’ll leave the magazine as it is. If people are attached to it, why meddle?
2. We’ll start producing a more conventional magazine with regular columns, humour pages, letters to the editor, etc.
3. We’ll start producing an online monthly concern. For a quid a month you’d get a substantial monthly essay and the occasional bonus. There might be a higher bracket where you can also get access to the archive, and perhaps a quarterly podcast. We’d also collect the best of this stuff into a printed annual collection if there’s enough interest.
So what do you think? We launched a survey to members of the mailing list, but blog readers can have a say too. Complete this tiny questionnaire to let us know your thoughts.
★ Buy the brand-new Issue 12 of New Escapologist at the shop; buy our most popular digital bundle; or get the Escape Everything! book.
About Robert Wringham
Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at wringham.co.uk