The Third Place

I enjoy this guy’s videos about urban planning. Yes, they’re boring but that’s kinda why I like them. And, ever self-aware, he makes fun of the boringness sometimes, like when he celebrated the success of a video about garbage day. Garbage is interesting, clearly!

Anyway, he has a recent episode about third places. Third places are places that aren’t your home or your workplace (or, I would possibly add, a commuter train or a supermarket). We’re talking about cafes, pubs, libraries, places of worship, parks, maybe gyms. Generally speaking, they’re free or low-cost and everyone is welcome.

There’s much to be said about third places Escapologically. For example, their “thirdness” clearly demonstrates mainstream social priorities, don’t you think?

But, importantly, they’re simply the kind of place adored by Escapologists. One of the things I don’t like about Christmas is that the libraries and museums and cafes are all closed. I mean, it’s no hardship just to stay indoors for a couple of days but, y’know, it’s kinda sad and spooky and a reminder that you’re out of step with the rest of the world.

Apparently third places are under threat, probably because they don’t directly make enough money. So use your library, take a walk in the park, support your favourite local cafe or pub.

Third places! Not boring at all but the stuff of life. Enjoy the vid.


Next time you’re in a third place, why not take a book along? It’s good to be seen reading. You could even take one of mine: I’m Out and The Good Life for Wage Slaves.


Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at

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