Twin Book Recomendations


Perhaps to be coupled with this:


And ideally throupled with this. 😉


Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at

2 Responses to “Twin Book Recomendations”

  1. Sarah says:

    Heard a snippet of Monsters on women’s hour the other day, which sold me on ordering a copy- but decided to check out Gill first. My copy of Work and Leisure arrived from Am*zon (First edition, dirt cheap I imagine because of the monstrous element?) and was surprised to find it was from a library in Paisley! As a resident Weegie it reminded me of the extra little synchronicities of reading real books rather than Kindle editions-a good reminder!

  2. Yeah, I love that sort of thing when it comes to old books. Can’t beat it. With regards to Monsters, I’m looking forward to reading it. I read the excellent Fiona MacCarthy biography of Gill to find out more and to see if I could ratify his crimes with my love of his art. It’s interesting: oddly enough the book made me like him even more but didn’t really help with the sex offender stuff. So because I’m not quite there yet, I plan to read Monsters (and also a biography of Alasdair Gray who clearly styled himself to some degree after Gill).

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