CB Editions

I love CB editions. It’s a London-based small press whose books are reliably readable and nicely presented. It’s run by one Charles Boyle whose CB-published novel (how did he manage that?) The Other Jack is a recent favourite of mine.

I share the following excerpt from his blog as an example of a creative business practice that actually works. It works in a small way, which is enough.

The average number of books sold per year since the start of CBe is around 2,500, and last year was a little below that. No bookshop could be run on that. For the authors’ sake I should be selling more. On the other hand, I’m still here, having stumbled upon a way of doing this that doesn’t require me to abide by all the prescriptions of the industry experts.

Stendhal’s The Charterhouse of Parma was written in November and December 1838 and published the following April. I once took on a book in December and, when the author told me he was dying, published it the following February, but in 2023 that’s not usually how it’s done: books are not published for at least a year, often longer, after they are taken on because you need a marketing campaign and Advance Reading Copies and puff quotes on the cover, all the stuff I don’t enjoy and am therefore not good at.

I don’t think CBe is a throwback. Nor is it the work of a man who lives off-grid in a shed in a field. I use the internet and typesetting software and digital printing and can learn new tricks when it suits me. I mean: when it suits someone of a certain age and temperament. I am lucky and privileged (not rich) to be able to do this.

CBe is a reminder that you don’t need to take over the world (or to “scale” as a business dipshit would say) to fill your days with pleasant work and to promote your idea of culture in the world.

I recommend their beautiful, beautiful books.


To join in with another small (tiny?) publishing business, order your copy of New Escapologist at our Kickstarter page. We hit 100 patrons this morning, so why not celebrate this milestone by joining the cool kids?


Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at wringham.co.uk

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