
“Arts and crafts give greater life satisfaction than work,” reports today’s Guardian:

researchers say we could all benefit from creative endeavours and that such pursuits have a bigger influence on life satisfaction than having a job.

Gee, you think?

I’d imagine it’s because people aren’t economically bullied into knitting. Embroidery and painting don’t generally involve alienation or a commute or a barely-useful paycheque.

Last time I looked, creative hobbies arrived at under your own steam aren’t usually an insult to your very soul.

The results, [the lead researcher] added, might reflect that not everybody is in a job they find fulfilling.



Issue 16 of New Escapologist is back in stock. I don’t usually do second print runs but Issue 16 has done very well for itself. Don’t make me regret printing more! Grab a copy today. x


Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at

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