What Do We Want? More Time for Golf! When Do We Want it? After My 12:30 With Steve!

This is from Maclean’s:

The big question is: what will we do with all that extra time? Some will use it on family-oriented activities, like caring for elderly relatives or spending more quality time with their kids (not to mention saving on childcare costs). Others might return to a lapsed hobby or develop a skill they never thought they’d get a chance to learn. For example, foreseeing a huge increase in leisure time, Steven Cohen, an American venture capitalist and the owner of the New York Mets, has reportedly invested heavily in golf. The ultimate goal is working to live—not the other way around.

The reduction of working hours is a classic demand of labour movements, so it’s good (as with UBI sometimes) to see the four-day week being discussed favourably by the conservative press. It shows that the Overton window is shifting in favour of less work and more leisure.


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Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at wringham.co.uk

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