Let Them Eat Cake

It seemed obvious to me that we should take a local map, draw a circle on it, with our home at the centre and start baking cakes. The plan was to take three or four freshly baked cakes, then drive out to the edge of the circle on the map and knock on a door. If the door was answered we’d say: “We have baked you a cake, here it is”.

For anyone who’d like to know more about the “cake circles” to which we made reference in Issue 10, the mischievous Mr Drummond just did another one in Birmingham and wrote a nice account of it in the local paper.

The excuse that I give myself is that it was something to do with me being an artist. But the reality is I just like baking cakes and then going up to strangers and offering the cake to them to see that look on their face.

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Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at wringham.co.uk

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