Automated Roasting Jacks
Aw, who’s this little fella?
It’s the turnspit dog. Hiya, boy!
The turnspit dog used to help cook our dinners back in the pig-on-a-spit days of the over-an-open-flame times.
He helped by running in a wheel that kept the spit turning. Like this.
The turnspit dog went extinct when he was replaced by the arguably less cute automated roasting jack.
Makes you think, doesn’t it?
Look, I’m not saying that humans won’t or even shouldn’t be automated out of existence. But maybe we could start to think about building a world where our permission to live is no longer dependent on being useful.
Do something useless today and get yourself a copy of the all-new New Escapologist.
About Robert Wringham
Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at