Fuck the mall: an interview with Judith Levine

Robert Wringham goes shopping with Judith Levine, author of Not Buying It.

(Content from New Escapologist Issue One, now sold out).

The polar ice caps are melting, war is rife, natural resources are running out by the clappers and poverty is most definitely not history.  Humanity’s ecological footprint is 23% larger than the planet can handle in terms of regeneration: as a species, we’re consuming far too much. While New Escapologist wouldn’t want to point its beautifully manicured but nonetheless accusatory finger in any particular direction, your personal shopping habits probably aren’t helping things.

In 2005, journalist and author, Judith Levine decided to stop shopping. After a particularly stressful period of Christmas shopping and coming to the realization that over-consumption is precisely the thing that is destroying the planet and making everyone hate America, she decided that enough was enough.
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