Collars: a guide

White-collar: the sector concerned with semi-professional, administrative, or sales coordination tasks and endless games of computer solitaire. Employment in this sector leads principally to debt, early rises and the pinning of hopes upon the national lottery.

Blue-collar: the sector concerned with manual labor. Though there are many noble circumstances for this flavour of work, it all too often comes down to sustaining two Capitalist continents of ungrateful and over-privileged skittles who can’t be successfully encouraged not to overfill a kettle.

Green-collar: the brave sector charged with delaying the oncoming environmental collapse.

At last! New Escapologist‘s contributions to the collar-based taxonomic system:

Orange-collar: unpaid interns and reluctant volunteers. The term derives from the satsuma-orange shirt I wore for the duration of my school work experience.

Detachable collar: the sector of society concerned with ‘detaching’ themselves from every flavour of grunt work and career ladder available. It also refers to the extremely practical, eminently stylish, decadent and bafflingly out-of-vogue detachable shirt collar. This is the kind of collar-work for readers of New Escapologist and possibly those of The Chap.


Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at

One Response to “Collars: a guide”

  1. This caught my eye in my RSS feed. I particularly dislike any kind of collar, as you can probably gather from my blog 😉 And thus, why I subscribe to your like-minded site!

    Thanks for adding some options to those typically shudder-inducing ones that most people like to fit into.

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