New Escapologist at Urban Dictionary
“Escapologist” has been honoured with an official definition at Urban Dictionary.
Noun. (pronounced: es’cap·ol’o·gist). One who seeks to escape the imaginary manacles of modern life: work, debt, government, leisure industries, status and anxiety.
Derived from the stage magic of Escapology. Used metaphorically.
Coined by the satirical publication, New Escapologist.
You can give this definition a ‘thumbs up’ at Urban Dictionary, though I don’t think that makes us any money or saves the world or anything.
Mazel tov!
Great to get a mention in the Urban Dictionary, although I’ve not thought of NE as satirical before. _Notes on Affected Provincialism_ in issue 1 does mention things _sartorial_ in passing though.
It’s not really is it? Satirical suggests “Private Eye” and at least party politics. We have a humourous edge I suppose and a political one too, but we’re not a satire.
We’re happy with Sartorialism though, as you say. I entered a “Young Enterprise” business competition as a teenager: my company didn’t make much money (though we did okay through a sponsorship deal) but we won an award for “Sartorial Elegance”. Score.