Lockpicking Imaginary Handcuffs

HOUDINI2-356x500The fine fellows of the Mountain Shores (Un)Productivity Podcast had me on as a guest.

I was there ostensibly to promote Escape Everything! but we had far more fun than that. We talked about Houdini, humor writing, self-help, daily routines, Tim Ferriss, Jon Ronson, Russell Brand, Jane Austin, Henry Miller, David Graeber and many others. Ears must have been burning all over. Not that yours will when you listen, of course. Tune in. It’s a great podcast.

★ Tired of the everyday grind? Pre-order the New Escapologist book today.


Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at wringham.co.uk

One Response to “Lockpicking Imaginary Handcuffs”

  1. Fabian says:

    Great to have you, Rob!

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