Escape Claws

Escape Everything! Even cats are reading it.

Theo  3

Theo  2


Theo  5

Photos of Theo by Dan.

Speaking of the book, we got two very kind customer reviews at Amazon this week.

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Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at

6 Responses to “Escape Claws”

  1. New Amazon Customer says:

    Glad someone is enjoying it. Am still waiting for my hardback. Thought everyone at Unbound had been inspired and escaped, but no, they’re still there and are still unable to say when it may come. Booooo!

  2. Unbound is the name of the publishing company! Nobody there is free: they’re perfectly happy to toil on our behalf. Have you emailed them to ask when your copy will arrive? It’s even in the shops now. Email

  3. New Amazon Customer says:

    Hello Robert. Yes. Twice. And called. ‘In a few days’.
    Anyway they are working today, I am not, so I suppose I’ll count my blessings and further my waiting.
    I know I will love it anyway, so thanks in advance.
    All the best x

  4. Gragh. I’m really sorry about that. I hope the book doesn’t take long.

  5. Mark Jerzak says:

    My copy arrived today 🙂

    Have read the first couple of chapters. Great read so far.

    Also – I’m sure you’ve already been alerted to this story, but just in case. This guy is my hero (especially the last line of the article)

  6. Thanks Mark. Hope you enjoy the rest of it!

    Yes, a couple of people sent me that news story. My favourite part: “The deputy mayor noticed his absence when Mr Garcia became eligible to receive a plaque for 20 years’ service.”

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