Write Your Own Manifesto
Life has no intrinsic meaning (but meaning is precious) so make some yourself.
This is from Ego’s manifesto. Everyone should write their own manifesto. Just base it on what they’ve learned in life so far. If you don’t write it all down somewhere, you’ll only forget it like a silly goldfish.
You could do worse than build your manifesto on top of the life audit (an exercise for figuring out what you really want in life) I discuss in the “Preparation” chapter of Escape Everything!
Ego again:
For people living in the UK: We do not need to work as much as we do if we do not wish to. We do not need to have a new car, a large house, an amazon echo, a gym membership, a new sofa (they are free second hand, this country is amazingly rich).
Every time we pay more for more comfort or enjoyment we are making a trade-off: freedom for stuff.
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You’ve done it Robert, bored at my desk job today I clicked the link and bought your book.
Haha, excellent. Those are the very best circumstances in which to buy my book! Thanks very much, Graeme.
Let the chaos commence!