Towering Panopticon

Hee! This, from the clever cloggses at McSweeney’s, is great.

Good news! In response to your “concerns” about our current open-plan creative campus, we are pleased to announce our new building: a towering panopticon à la Jeremy Bentham’s eighteenth-century vision of utilitarian corporate efficiency!

In our new office, all team members will work in isolated, transparent rooms called “Cells” on the periphery of a circular tower called “Synergon.” At the center of Synergon, management will reside in “Nest,” a glowing, elevated sphere of omniscience.

We know you have questions, and we want to address those.

I especially like this part:

This sounds terrifying and dystopian. Is it?

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Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at

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