Bin Man II: The Trashening

On one of my best days here I found a bunch of loose jewelry in a bin. There was a bit more inside some black trash bags.

Do you remember Martin? I mentioned him in this post and in Escape Everything!

An old friend of mine in Montreal, Martin describes himself as a professional scavenger. Objecting to waste, he set out to make a living from it as well as using the project as a basis for online anti-waste activism.

I’m happy to tell you that Martin continues his good work to this day. I’ve been catching up on his posts and they’re extremely enjoyable. There’s something so satisfying about his process of turning nothing into something, his intervening in destruction.

I recommend his most recent blog post in which he shows off some fairly shocking (though not actually atypical) finds from last autumn. It includes some pure gold. Literally.

It goes to show, among other things, how a bit of cleverness and imagination (and maybe a peg for the nose) can free you from unhappy convention.


Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at

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