New Escapologist now available in PDF!

Rejoice! By popular demand, New Escapologist is now available in downloadable PDF format.

Buy it today through the usual online shop. Just click the “Buy PDF” button and you’ll be directed to a secure Lulu shopping cart.

If you buy all issues in a single PayPal transaction, you will receive them (hopefully instantly) by email rather than Lulu download.

To keep things simple and in the spirit of New Escapologist, there is no Digital Rights Management imposed upon on our PDFs. This means you can share it with your friends, but for the sake of the project’s future, we’d encourage you to limit this practice. We’re using the honour system.

To reflect the lower production costs, each PDF issue is £1 cheaper than its print counterpart (making Issues One to Six £3, £4, £5, £5, £5 and £5 respectively). You will also avoid the shipping costs associated with the print editions.

Buy your print or digital editions at the shop today!


Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at

6 Responses to “New Escapologist now available in PDF!”

  1. Tim Stobbs says:

    Damn, now I just HAVE TO buy the entire back issue PDF. My poor summer reading pile grows again.

    Thanks for putting out the digital version! Enjoy your summer.


  2. Taylor says:

    What kind of delay are we talking for the complete PDF to be emailed? (I’m currently waiting)

    Also, would you be interested in converted versions that are kindle-friendly?

  3. Hi Taylor. You should have it now. Sorry for the delay. (Normally should be received within five minutes).

  4. What can I say? It was popular demand. We don’t want anyone feeling unnecessarily disenfranchised. I hope you enjoy it, Tim, if you choose to buy it. Thanks!

  5. Tim Stobbs says:

    Ah finally I had time to buy it…is it sad that I’m too busy to shop or is that a good thing. 😉


  6. Thanks Tim! I hope you enjoy it.

    I like the title of your blog. I escaped to Canada too.

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