Escape to the Athens of the North
We’ve a few events coming up in Edinburgh. Why Auld Reekie? Simple coincidence, Madam.
August 7th sees a small press fair at the Forest Cafe, at which New Escapologist will have a stall. I’ll be there myself, so do come along and say hello. Free entry.
On the same day, I’ll be recording an Escapological walk-and-talk for Thomas Fazi’s upcoming film about Dudism. This isn’t something you can come and see, but you can come along to Thomas’ Dude-themed “rug-in” at Prince’s Street Gardens in the evening.
On August 24th-27th, as part of the Free Fringe, Friendly Mr Pineapples and I will be recording four improvised podcasts with a live audience at the Rabbie Burns cafe/bar on the Royal Mile. This is nothing to do with Escapology, though I’ll be happy to talk about it (as part of the podcast or secretly in the bar after the recording) and will probably have some copies of New Escapologist to buy at the venue. Free Entry.
We’ve not got a date yet, but the Edinburgh Festival will also see the official launch of New Escapologist Issue 6. Yes, we’ve been beavering away to produce the sixth issue in record time. More news on the new issue and the Edinburgh launch event soon.
On October 10th, I’ll take part in The Salon for Untitled Projects at the Traverse Theatre. The theme for the evening is ‘The Future’ and will involve my dressing up in Nineteenth Century garb and talking about the Escapological Utopia. There will be other speakers too, and even the audience will be invited to dress up!
I should also mention that the famous WordPower bookshop on Edinburgh’s West Nicholson Street is now a proud stockist of New Escapologist. If you’re in the vicinity, do pop in and buy a copy of The Bohemias Issue. It’ll help the project immensely.
After all of this, you will probably find me collapsed, exhausted, upon Arthur’s Seat.
About Robert Wringham
Robert Wringham is the editor of New Escapologist. He also writes books and articles. Read more at